Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Graw our business with twitter

Twitter is on of social networking in the earth. Many people used this site to look for friend or relation. Do you know that twitter can be used to graw our business.
Using Twitter for business is really fun and easy once you get the hang of it. In the beginning it can be frustrating. It can feel like you are talking to yourself. You tweet about your website and your products to no avail. You blast your link every chance you get,  but no one seems to notice. Sometimes it can feel like a total waste of time. In reality plastering your link on social media is a waste of time. Let’s talk about how using Twitter for your business is very beneficial.
If you want to increase your businnes with twitter, you must take attention below:
  • You must set your twitter account to business. When setting up your Twitter account be sure to use a recent photo of yourself, not your dog, your children or grandchildren, no matter how adorable they may be. People want to see what you look like, to be able to put a face to a name. A goofy cartoon character simply will not cut it.
  • Next, you’ll want to write an attention getting bio. Your bio should include a link to your website, opt in page or sales page. Be sure to inject a little personality into your bio. You don’t want it to sound like an advertisement. No one wants to follow someone like that. People follow people because they want to engage with them, learn from them and to be inspired.
  • You must know what to say and how to connect with others to build online relationships and trust. Now, you’ll want to find others in your niche that you would like to follow. You can find people in your niche by using Tweetadder.com. You can also search for people in your niche by typing their name in Twitter search. See who they follow and who is following them. You can usually find good targeted people that way, then follow them. The more people you follow the more followers you will get.

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